After trailing on the last HTML incarnation for 4 long years, hand coding ever single bit and otherwise banging my head against the screen, the change to a new Website platform was long overdue. Besides a plethora of technical reasons, I really, really wanted to bring back a complete French section for my readers here in Quebec, and over the pond in Europe.
So what’s new?
- Did I mention a whole new FRENCH section? Oui oui! You’re actually seeing two distinct websites with different content, books and essays, linked together with code, and you can go back and forth from one to the other (if there’s a corresponding page!). No more prowling through gibberish you can’t read, though if you do want to see the whole show, you’ll have to go over to the French side. Good luck with that.
- An overall friendlier interface, cause being dark shouldn’t make your eyes bleed
- Easier for me to update, so you can hope for more frequent updates and nonsense
- New pictures in neat galleries, going all the way back to 2007
- Free e-books and essays all around, just look for this icon